Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

mini boss drop update 2016

Mini Boss List
Dark Mushroom(Level 30) - Isthmus of Kaus

  • Element: Darkness- Weak against Light
  • Gear Drops: Scholar's Glasses(Boss Version) [MaxMP +100, Cast Speed +25], Adventurer's Garb [Red Dye B]
  • Item Drops: Poisonous Mushroom, Turbid Crystal
  • Xtal: Atk +1%, Matk +1%, Motion Speed +1%
Colon Commander (Level 33) - Strum Road (Not really sure he counts as a mini-boss)
  • Element: Wood(Earth) - Weak against Fire
  • Gear Drops: Colon Met [HP +250], Adventurer's Garb [Gray A Dye]
  • Item Drops: Bundled Leaves, Colon Skin
  • Xtal: +150max hp, +50max mp

Crimsosch (Level 37) - Athema Ruined Town: Area 2
  • Element: Fire - Weak against Water
  • Gear Drops: Dawn Hat(Boss version) [Evasion Rate +5% & Attack MP Recovery +2], Adventurer's Garb [Red Dye A]
  • Item Drops: Athema Stones, Thick Frog Skin, Twinkling Stone
  • Xtal: AGI +3, Evasion +3, Evasion rate +3%, Critical rate -9

Silver Roar (Level 42) - Debakcy Channel: B

  • Element: Light - Weak against Darkness
  • Gear Drops: Crystal Earrings [+300 MP]
  • Item Drops: Glowing Dust, Fairy Feather
  • Xtal: Attack MP Recovery +4 Maximum HP-8%

Tortuga (Level 40) - Icule Lake
  • Element: Water - Weak against Wind
  • Gear Drops: Shell Shield [Base DEF 2, Guard Rate +24%, Guard Power +12%, Physical Resistance +2%, Aggro +1%], Adventurer's Garb[(Green Dye A), P. Resist +1%]
  • Item Drops: Reptile Skin, Turtle Shell, Damascus Ore
  • Xtal: Guard rate 5%, Phys. Res. 3%, HP +1%

Miracle Potum (Level 42) - Ruined Temple : Area 2
  • Element: Light - Weak against Darkness
  • Gear Drops: Adventurer's Garb [Pink dye A)], Morning Star [Max MP +300, ASPD +600, MATK -1200, Xtal]
  • Item Drops: Potum nail, *Save point, Hard apple
  • Xtal: Eva+5%, Hp-10%

King Potum (Level 50) - Athema Ruined Town: Area 1
(located 2 areas after silver roars)
  • Element: Wind - Weak against Earth
  • Gear Drops: Hair Band(Boss Version) [Accuracy +3, Natural MP Regen +5%]
  • Item Drops: Bead fragments, Hard Apples, Potum Nail
  • Xtal: Hp+10%, Physical resistance-5%, Magical resistance-5%

Giant Boar (Level 52) - Nisel Mountain

  • Element: Darkness - Weak against Light
  • Gear Drops: Adventurer's Garb[(Purple Dye A), M. Resist +1%]
  • Item Drops: Sturdy Fur
  • Xtal: Melee atk +1%, Max HP +50, Max MP +50
Golden Skeleton (Level 54) - Zoktzda Ruins (To get here, take the first portal to the right after you enter Rinom plains from Suedor Cliff)
  • Element: Darkness - Weak against Light
  • Gear Drops: Adventurer's Garb [Gold Dye A(glorified yellow you mean)]
  • Item Drops: Skeleton Bone, Wandering Spirit
  • Xtal: +300 ASPD, -10%HP

Stone Mercenary (Level 60) - Zoktzda Ruins: Abnormal Space

  • Element: Metal(Earth) - Weak against Fire
  • Gear Drops: Mirror Shield [Unslottable, Base DEF:0, Evade Rate +10%, Guard Rate +5%, Guard Power +5%, Aggro +5%], Adventurer's Garb [Pink Dye B]
  • Item Drops: Pebble, Damascus Ore, Zoktzda Stone
  • Xtal: Guard Rate +4%, Aggro +8%, Attack -6%
Big Coryn (Level 60) - Douce Hamlet
  • Element: ???
  • Gear Drops: Adventurer's Garb [Green Dye C], Flower Headband [Attack MP Recovery +5, Stability -5%]
  • Item Drops: Young Branch, Apple, Plant Skin, Magic Hammer
  • Xtal: Ailment Resistance +1%, Physical Resistance +1%, Magic Resistance +1%

Seltirios(Level 60) - Aulada Ancient Tower
  • Element: ???
  • Gear Drops: Vampire Cape[ATK+1%, Dodge+2, Stability+4%, Natural HP Regen+6%
  • Item Drops: Little Wyvern Wing, Crimson Claw
  • Xtal: Cast Speed +300, MP -150
Silver Coryn (Level 100) - Yorl Highlands ~ Event Monster
  • Element: ??
  • Gear Drops: Adventure Garb Variants with White/Black/Orange/Blue Dye, Pink Ribbon
  • Item Drops: Apple, Silver Apple
  • Xtal: ???
Big Mask (Level 60) - Haotas Ravine
  • Element: ??
  • Gear Drops: Stier (MaxHP+15%, VIT+2)
  • Item Drops: Strong Vine, Ravine Dew, Steel Seed Coat
  • Xtal: ???
Arcoiris (Level 70) - Yorl Highlands
  • Element: ??
  • Gear Drops: Feather Cape [Aspd+500,Max Mp +50, Magic Res. +5%, HP Regen -50% ]
  • Item Drops: Bead Fragment, Bird Wing, Rainbow Feather
  • Xtal: HP+10%, DEF+10%, HP Regen+10%
Moonlight Potum (Level 72) - New Moon Palace: Innermost
  • Element: ??
  • Gear Drops: Drills [Critical Rate+100, Critical Damage-150], Adventurer’s Garb [Blue Dye A]
  • Item Drops: Apple, Potum nail, Moonlight Flower
  • Xtal: Attack MP Recovery+3, Cast Speed-90
Gigant Knight (Level 76) - Saham Crater
  • Element: ???
  • Gear Drops: Tomahawk [Crit Rate +6, Magic Res. +5%, Long Range Dmg +4%], Adventurer's Garb [Purple Dye B]
  • Item Drops: ???
  • Xtal: ???
Caspy (Level 77) - Ancient Empresses's Tomb: Area 2

  • Element: Dark
  • Gear Drops: Cat Ear Hood[CSPD +300, MATK+2%, Max MP+100], Adventurer Garb[Blue B, Black C]
  • Item Drops: ???
  • Xtal: Guard Rate +2%, Guard Power +2%, Eva Rate +2%, Ail Res -6%

boss drop update part 2

Ganglef (Level 58) - Saham Crater

  • Element: Earth - Weak Against Fire
  • Gear Drops: Iron Skeleton Bow [Earth Element, Long Range Dmg +2%, Def +30, Magic Res. +5%, Guard Rate +10%], Iron Skeleton Sword [2H, Earth Element, Crit Dmg +3, Max HP+ 500, Phys Res+3%]
  • Item Drops: Crustacean Steel, Mineral Scissor, Tough Crab Meat, Rich Crab Butter
  • Xtal: ATK+3%, DEX+2%, Attack Speed+1%

Warmonger (Level 60) - Haotas Ravine: Deepest Part
  • Element: Earth - Weak Against Fire
  • Gear Drops: War Bowgun [Crit rate+12, Critl Dmg+5, Ail. res.-14%], War Helmet [Weap. ATK+10, Crit rate+10, Ail Resistance-20%], Scale Armor [DEF+5%, Guard Power+5%, Ailment Resistance+10%, Neutral Resistance+10%, Critical Rate+5]
  • Item Drops: Dark Gray Claw, Huge Skull,Thick Green Scale
  • Xtal: Crit rate+6,Crit DMG+2

Demon's Gate (Level 60) - Scaro Town: Central Part
  • Element: Dark - Weak Against Light
  • Gear Drops: Relief Shield [Dark Res. +5%, MaxHP+300, Guard Rate+9%, Guard Power +30%], Sword of Sin (Dark Element Atk+2%, Matk+1%, Acc +20, Ail. Res. +2%)
  • Item Drops: Eerie Stone, Goddess Sculpture, Nail of Demon's Gate
  • Xtal: MATK+3%, DEX+2%, CSPD +1

Boss Roga (Level 62) - Saham Underground Cave: Deepest Part 

  • Element: Neutral
  • Gear Drops: Mace of Destruction[Dark Ele, Atk+100, MATK+2%, AMPR+2, Phys Res+4%], Killer Coat [10 Crit Rate, 10% ASPD, 10% Didgem 6% Stab]
  • Item Drops: Ore of Another World, Broken Huge Mace
  • Xtal: Max HP +1000, Atk +1%

Ancient Empress (Level 64) - Ancient Empresses's Tomb: Deepest Part 
  • Element: Light
  • Gear Drops: Empress Bowgun [@58(Stab50%), ATK+2%, Short Range DMG+1%, Max MP+200, Magic Res +6%], Empress Soul [@36(Stab80%),Damage to Fire, Water, Wind and Earth +10%, Magic Resistance +12%, CSPD +500, ASPD -50%], Adventure Garb [Red A, Pink C]
  • Item Drops: Empress Medal, Empress Aura, Empress Hair Accessory
  • Xtal: Short Range DMG -10%, MATK+3%, CSPD +50

B.B. Goblin (Level 70) - Rinom Plains 
  • Element: Fire
  • Gear Drops: B.B. Garb[Short Range DMG+9%, Dodge+30%, Eva Rate+7%, Phys. Res.-25%, Mag. Res.-25%, Neutral Res.-25%]
  • Item Drops: Broken Bone Accessory, Dyed Reinforced Cloth, Fairy Nose
  • Xtal: Atk +2%, Aggro +5%, Crit Rate -1

boss drop update desember 2015

A quick note on xtals.
A Red xtal can only be equipped to weapons.
A Green xtal can only be equipped to body armor.

A Yellow xtal can only be equipped to Additional gear.
A Purple xtal can only be equipped to Special gear.
A Blue xtal can be equipped in any gear.
As such, I will color label the xtals appropriately from now on. Anything in black is unknown to me.

Boss Colon (Level 10) - Land Under Development

  • Element: Wood(Earth) - Weak against Fire
  • Gear Drops: Colon met
  • Item Drops: Colon Leaf, Boss colon skin, *Sofya city(port)
  • Xtal: HP+70, MP+30

Excavated Golem (Level 16) - Underground Ruins : Deepest Part

  • Element: Metal(Earth) - Weak against Fire
  • Gear Drops: Golemet, Alto ruin bow, Huge heavy shield
  • Item Drops: Golem's fragment, Pale gem, Old metal
  • Xtal: Guard rate+5%, Guard power+5%

Gespenst (Level 20) - Underground Channel (accessible from Sofya City[portal left of gov office] or Debacky Channel[area after Silver Roars])
  • Element: Darkness - Weak against Light
  • Gear Drops: Old Cloak(Boss Version) [Def: 6, Crit Rate +5, Dodge +3]
  • Item Drops: Pale Gem, Scythe Blade, Remnant of Ghost, Thick Black Cloth, Ominous Horns
  • Xtal: Mp+150, Atk-1%, Matk-1%

Eerie Crystal (Level 24) - Isthmus of Kaus: Dragon's Den
  • Element: Darkness - Weak against Light
  • Gear Drops: Irogeon, Magic Crystal armor
  • Item Drops: Hematite, Black Crystal Fragment, Turbid Crystal, Black Miasma
  • Xtal: Attack MP Recovery +5
Forest Wolf (Level 30) - Marbaro Forest: Deepest Part
  • Element: Wind - Weak against Earth
  • Gear Drops: Forest Wolf Garb [Base DEF 21, Dodge +4, Critical Rate +4, Attack Speed +200], Forest Wolf Bow [Base ATK 23 (70%), Wind Element, Attack Speed +12%, Evasion Rate +6%]
  • Item Drops: Forest Wolf Claw, Forest Wolf Skin, Forest Wolf Horn, Four-Leaf Clover
  • Xtal: Dodge +6, Evasion rate +2%

Minotaur (Level 32) - Ruined Temple : Forbidden Hall
  • Element: Darkness - Weak against Light
  • Gear Drops - Minotaur Knuckles, Minotaur Staff [ATK 34 (55%), Fire Element, Attack MP Recovery +2, Attack Speed -10%]
  • Item Drops: Minotaur Hoof, Minotaur Skin, Minotaur Horn, Damascus Ore
  • Xtal: Hp+5%, Aspd+10%

Brutal Dragon Decel (Level 40) - Nisel Mountain: Summit

  • Element: Fire/Earth? Under Debate
  • Gear Drops: Brutal Dragon Armor [Max HP +100, ASPD +10%, Phys. Resist +2%, Crit Dmg +2%], Brutal Dragon Crown[Weapon Atk +5, Attack MP Recovery +3, Fire Resist -1%], Brutal Dragon Sword [Base ATK 27 (80%), Attack Speed +500, Cast Speed +500]
  • Item Drops: Brutal Dragon Claw, Brutal Dragon Horn, Brutal Dragon Skin, Brutal Dragon Tail, Black Crystal Fragment, Mithril Ore
  • Xtal: ATK +1% MATK +1% MaxMp -50

Boss Goblin (Level 40) - Ribisco Cave: Deepest Part
  • Element: Metal(Earth) - Weak against Fire
  • Gear Drops: Boss Gob Sword
  • Item Drops: Goblin Medal, Fairy Nose, Ribisco Crystal
  • Xtal: Atk +1%, Crit Rate +2%, Accuracy -4

Mochelo (Level 43) - Fiery Volcano: Area 3 (Speak with Shreya to fight him again)
  • Element: Wind - Weak against Earth
  • Gear Drops: Mochelo Hat[Max HP+5%, ATK+1%, Ranged Attack DMG-3%]
  • Item Drops: Mochelo Fur, Mochelo Pelt, Sweet Apple, Lava Crystal
  • Xtal: HP +5%, Cast Speed +10
Ruin Golem (Level 45) - Zoktzda Ruins: Reversed Hall
  • Element: Earth - Weak against Fire
  • Gear Drops: Relic Shield[Physical Resistance +1%, Guard Rate +22%, Guard Power +15%, Acc +5], Ruin Sword [1H, Earth Element, Meelee Damage +1%, Guard Rate +21%, Acc +5], Golem Arm [Knuckle, Earth Element, ATK +1%, Ranged Attack Damage +1%, Physical Pierce +1%], Fightwear [(Black A/White B) Melee Atk Dmg +2%. With Knuckles: Acc +10]
  • Item Drops: Ancient Stone Slab, Zoktzda Stone, Broken Magic Lantern
  • Xtal: HP +200, MDEF 5%, Magic Resist 1%
Forestia (Level 49) - Land of Chaos
  • Element: Wind - Weak against Earth
  • Gear Drops: Storm Dagger[Dodge+7%, Attack Speed +7%, Critical Rate +7%],Tempest Arrow[Wind Element, Critical Damage+1%, Accuracy+10%], Green Dragon Garb [Matk +1%,Magic Resistance +5%, Aggro -10%, Physical Resistance -10%]
  • Item Drops: Green Dragon Claws, Green Dragon Fur, and Rainbow Stone
  • Xtal: Evasion Rate +5%, Magic Resistance +3%, MATK +1%
Astol (Level 50) - Aulada Ancient Tower: Deck
  • Element: Water - Weak against Wind
  • Gear Drops: Aqua Garb[ATK +1%, MATK+1%, Dodge +10%, Max MP+100], Crystal Wings[Light Element, Short Range Dmg+3%, Dodge+10%, ASPD+300]
  • Item Drops: Heaven Bird Claw, Heaven Bird Tail Feather, Heaven Bird Crest, Heaven Bird Tear
  • Xtal: Eva Rate+3%, Magic Resist.+1%, DEF -10%

Flare Volg (Level 50) - Fiery Volcano: Lava Trail (Area right after Fiery Volcano : Area 3)
  • Element: Fire - Weak against Water
  • Gear Drops: Plate Armor (3 dye variant), , Volcanic Sword [-5% Crit, Fire Element], Volcanic Claws[Attack MP Recovery +1, Motion Speed +2%, Dodge +3%, Evasion Rate +4%]
  • Item Drops: Fiery Gem, Flare Volg Horn, Flare Volg Claw, Flare Volg Flesh
  • Xtal: Str +3, Range Attack Damage +2%, Magic Resistance -4%
Ooze (Level 52) - Lutaros Cavern: Deepest Part


  • Element: Water - Weak against Wind
  • Gear Drops: Ooze Armor[Attack MP Recovery +3, Short Range Dmg +3%, DEX+3, Crit Dmg +3%], Ooze Helmet[Max hp +10%, HP Regen +10%, Ailment resist +10%], Ooze Staff [MATK+1%, VIT+4%, MaxHP +8%, Aggro -16%], Ooze Shield [Guard Rate +15%, Guard Power +23%], Natural HP Regen +10%, M. Resist +2%]
  • Item Drops: Gluey Skin, Luminous Magic Water, Emerald
  • Xtal: 2% atk, 2% matk, def-2%, mdef-2%
Mauez (Level 55) - New Moon Palace: Innermost
  • Element: Water - Weak against Wind
  • Gear Drops: Vita Cores [Water, Max HP+10%, Stability +10%, Def +10%, Phys.Res. +10%], Magic Bowgun [Water, ATK+2%, Attack MP Recovery+3, CSP+250, Ail. Res.+10%]
  • Item Drops: Mauez's Broken Rod, Rune stone, Magic armor fragment
  • Xtal: MaxMP+150, Crit Rate+2, - 4% acc

material toram online part 2

-Material Name____________Monster(s)_____________________Place_______________________________________________Description
-Nicked Blade_____________Goblin_________________________Ruined Temple, Rinom Plains, Ribisco Cave
-Nisel Wood_______________Shell Mask_____________________Nisel Mountain
-Nut______________________Shell Mask_____________________Land Under Development
-Nut______________________Pomum__________________________Rakau Plains
-Onigiri__________________Squire_________________________Land of Chaos, Yorl Highland
-Orange Crystal Fragment__Cobre__________________________Icule Lake
-Pebble___________________Piedra_________________________Rakau Plains, Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp
-Peeble___________________Savaran________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Peeble___________________Stone__________________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Petal____________________Connopy________________________Yorl Highland
-Petal____________________Kijimu (Green)_________________Strum Road, Suedor Cliff, Rinom Plains
-Plant Skin_______________Coryn__________________________Douce Hamlet
-Poison Essence___________Turquoise Lionfish_____________Lutaros Cavern
-Poisonous Mushroom_______Night Mushroom_________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp
-Pomum Leaf_______________Pomum__________________________Rakau Plains, Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp
-Potum Nail_______________Vanilla Potum, King Potum______Rugio Ruins
-Purple Jelly_____________Purple Jelly___________________Isthmus of Kaus
-Rat Hair_________________Corda__________________________Underground Channel, Debacky Channel
-Red Gelatin______________Red Jelly______________________Fiery Volcano
-Red Hair_________________Torpo__________________________Underground Ruins
-Red Petal________________Kijimu (Red)___________________Rugio Ruins
-Remnant of Ghost_________Ghost__________________________Underground Channel
-Reptile Bone_____________Elizard________________________Land of Chaos
-Resilient Jelly__________Blue Jelly (Small & Big)_______Underground Channel, Debacky Channel
-Ribisco Crystal__________Brosche________________________Ribisco Cave
-Roasted Fruit____________Roca___________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Rugio Ruins______________Kijimu (Red)___________________Rugio Ruins_________________________________________Teleport to Rugio Ruins
-Rugio Ruins______________Kijimu (Green)_________________Strum Road__________________________________________Teleport to Rugio Ruins
-Sabre____________________Stone Knight___________________Fiery Volcano
-Sallet___________________Savaran________________________Fiery Volcano
-Sashimi__________________Turquoise Lionfish_____________Lutaros Cavern
-Sharp Fang_______________Death Hound____________________Scaro Town
-Sharp Rock Fragment______Stone Soldier__________________Lutaros Cavern
-Short Nail_______________Raffy__________________________Rakau Plains, Ruined Temple Town
-Skeleton Bone____________Skeleton_______________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Slimy Skin_______________Miwi___________________________Icule Lake
-Small Article____________Goblin_________________________Ruined Temple
-Small Gloves_____________Ruin Rat_______________________Underground Ruins, Debacky Channel
-Small Hilt_______________Ruin Rat_______________________Underground Ruins, Debacky Channel
-Small Hilt_______________Soldier Rat____________________Scaro Town
-Small Mane_______________Little Boar____________________Nisel Mountain
-Small Tinder_____________Calron_________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Small Tinder_____________Fire Ghost_____________________Fiery Volcano
-Small Wood_______________Shell Mask_____________________Land Under Development
-Soft Fur_________________Wooly__________________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp, Douce Hamlet
-Soft Hair________________Raffy (Lv12)___________________Suedor Cliff
-Sour Nut_________________Pomum__________________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp
-Spider Silk______________Pomum__________________________Rakau Plains, Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp
-Sticky Liquid____________Purple Jelly___________________Isthmus of Kaus
-Sticky Liquid____________Blue Jelly (Small & Big)_______Underground Channel, Debacky Channel
-Sticky Liquid____________Green Jelly____________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Sticky Liquid____________Slime__________________________Lutaros Cavern
-Strong Vine______________Connopy________________________Yorl Highland
-Sturdy Fur_______________Little Boar, Boar______________Nisel Mountain
-Sweet Smelling Wood______Squire_________________________Land of Chaos, Yorl Highland
-Thick Beak_______________Beak___________________________Ruined Temple Town, Ruined Temple, Scaro Town
-Thick Frog Skin__________Rio Brosche____________________Athema Ruins
-Torn Cloth_______________Goblin_________________________Ruined Temple
-Torn Jute Sack___________Ghost__________________________Underground Channel
-Torn Page________________Devil's Book___________________Scaro Town
-Torn Rope________________Ghost__________________________Underground Channel
-Tough Meat_______________Piedra_________________________Rakau Plains
-Tree Root________________Pain Leaf______________________Isthmus of Kaus
-Turbid Crystal___________Night Mushroom, Purple Jelly___Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp, Isthmus of Kaus
-Turtle Shell_____________Roca___________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Twinkle Stone____________Rio Brosche____________________Athema Ruins
-Twisted Horn_____________Wooly__________________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp, Douce Hamlet
-Twisted Horn_____________Yorl Goat______________________Yorl Highland
-Unripe Nut_______________Colon__________________________Rugio Site, Strum Road, Suedor Cliff
-Vine_____________________Pain Leaf______________________Isthmus of Kaus
-Wandering Spirit_________Skeleton_______________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Wind Slash Feather_______Pico___________________________Marbaro Forest
-Wolf Fur_________________Hound__________________________Isthmus of Kaus
-Woodchip_________________Torpo__________________________Land Under Development
-Woodchip_________________Corda__________________________Underground Channel, Debacky Channel
-Woodchip_________________Shell Mask_____________________Nisel Mountain
-Wood Stick_______________Guardian Statue________________Ruined Temple
-Young Branch_____________Coryn__________________________Douce Hamlet
-Zoktzda Stone____________Stone__________________________Zoktzda Ruin
-x________________________Miracle Potum (Pink)___________Ruined Temple
-x________________________Silver Roar____________________Debacky Channel
-x________________________Crimsosh_______________________Athema Ruins
-x________________________Colon Commander________________Strum Road
-x________________________Giant Boar_____________________Nisel Mountain

synthethist armor

cara synthetist armor di toram berhasil jika beruntung no spina

langkah pertama :
memiliki dua armor ooze yang sama lalu memiliki pewarna untuk armor tersebut contoh : adventure garb red dye A dan memiliki skill blacksmith yang sudah memiliki skill synthetist 
langkah kedua : 
satukan armor ke adventure garb dan pilih warnanya lalu syhn
jika berhasil di status stat ooze dan model ooze dan dya a di ooze maka anda  telah sukses

silahkan mencoba  ^^

material monster toram part 1

-Material Name____________Monster(s)_____________________Place_______________________________________________Description
-Animal Claw______________Hound__________________________Isthmus of Kaus
-Animal Horn______________Lavarca________________________Rakau Plains, Ruined Temple Town
-Animal Skin______________Little Boar, Boar______________Nisel Mountain
-Animal Skin______________Raffy__________________________Rakau Plains, Ruined Temple Town
-Animal Skin______________Raffy__________________________Rugio Site, Suedor Cliff
-Animal Skin______________Roca___________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Apple____________________Coryn__________________________Douce Hamlet
-Athema Ruins_____________Rio Brosche____________________Athema Ruins
-Bat Claw_________________Nemico_________________________Underground Ruins
-Bat Wing_________________Nemico_________________________Underground Ruins
-Bead Fragment____________Guardian Statue________________Ruined Temple
-Bead Fragment____________Savaran________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Bead Fragment____________Stone__________________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Bead Fragment____________Vanilla Potum__________________Rugio Ruins
-Big Mane_________________Boar___________________________Nisel Mountain
-Bird Wing________________Pico___________________________Rakau Plains, Marbaro Forest, Rinom Plains
-Bird Wing________________Beak___________________________Ruined Temple Town, Ruined Temple
-Bitter Nut_______________Shell Mask_____________________Nisel Mountain
-Black Fur________________Death Hound____________________Scaro Town
-Blue Jelly_______________Blue Jelly (Small & Big)_______Underground Channel, Debacky Channel
-Bonnet___________________Squire_________________________Yorl Highland
-Breeze Crystal___________Wind Roar______________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Broken Linen Thread______Crow Killer____________________Douce Hamlet
-Broken Metal_____________Goblin_________________________Rinom Plains, Ribisco Cave
-Burning Liquid___________Red Jelly______________________Fiery Volcano
-Burning Liquid___________Savaran________________________Fiery Volcano
-Burnt Coal_______________Fire Ghost_____________________Fiery Volcano
-Burnt Wood_______________Calron_________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Butterfly Scale__________Farfara________________________Ruined Temple Town
-Butterfly Wing___________Farfara________________________Ruined Temple Town
-Chaos Stone______________Rutin__________________________Land of Chaos
-Chicken Meat_____________Beak___________________________Ruined Temple Town, Scaro Town
-Clear Water______________Voda Boar______________________Lutaros Cavern
-Coal_____________________Calron_________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Colon Leaf_______________Colon__________________________Land Under Development
-Colon leaf_______________Colon, Helmet Colon____________Rugio Site, Strum Road, Suedor Cliff
-Colon Skin_______________Colon__________________________Land Under Development
-Colon Skin_______________Colon, Helmet Colon____________Strum Road
-Cracked Stone____________Stone Knight___________________Fiery Volcano
-Cracked Stone____________Torpo__________________________Underground Ruins
-Crystal of Flowing Water_Voda Boar______________________Lutaros Cavern
-Damaged Parchment________Devil's Book___________________Scaro Town
-Damascus Ore_____________Stone Soldier__________________Lutaros Cavern
-Dawn Hat_________________Rio Brosche____________________Athema Ruins
-Dented Little Helmet_____Soldier Rat____________________Scaro Town
-Dirty Nail_______________Torpo__________________________Land Under Development
-Fairy Feather____________Roar___________________________Ruined Temple
-Fairy Feather____________Voda Boar______________________Lutaros Cavern
-Fairy Feather____________Wind Roar______________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Fatigued Blade___________Skeleton_______________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Fire Resistance Fabric___Fire Ghost_____________________Fiery Volcano
-Fish Scale_______________Turquoise Lionfish_____________Lutaros Cavern
-Flower Nectar____________Connopy________________________Yorl Highland
-Flower Nectar____________Farfara________________________Ruined Temple Town
-Flower Nectar____________Kijimu (Red+Green)_____________Rugio Ruins, Strum Road
-Fluffy Fur_______________Raffy, Lavarca_________________Rakau Plains, Ruined Temple Town
-Fluffy Fur_______________Raffy__________________________Rugio Site, Suedor Cliff
-Frog Skin________________Brosche________________________Icule Lake, Ribisco Cave
-Goat Skin________________Yorl Goat______________________Yorl Highland
-Glowing Dust_____________Roar___________________________Ruined Temple
-Gorgeous Fur_____________Lavarca________________________Rakau Plains, Ruined Temple Town
-Green Gelatin____________Green Jelly____________________Zoktzda Ruin
-Hard Apple_______________Vanilla Potum__________________Rugio Ruins
-Hard Dragon Skin_________Cobre__________________________Icule Lake
-Hard Dragon Skin_________Piedra_________________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp
-Hard Dragon Skin_________Rutin__________________________Nisel Mountain
-Hard Stem________________Pico___________________________Rinom Plains
-Heated Fang______________Savaran________________________Fiery Volcano
-Hematite_________________Piedra_________________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp____________________For Refinement
-Hematite_________________Ruin Rat_______________________Debacky Channel_____________________________________For Refinement
-Hematite_________________Goblin_________________________Ribisco Cave________________________________________For Refinement
-Hematite_________________Savaran________________________Witeka Scorched Plain_______________________________For Refinement
-High Quality Horn________Yorl Goat______________________Yorl Highland
-High Quality Wool________Wooly__________________________Douce Hamlet
-Huge Leaf________________Squire_________________________Land of Chaos, Yorl Highland
-Icule Water______________Brosche________________________Icule Lake
-Jagged Fang______________Miwi___________________________Icule Lake
-Jagged Fang______________Rutin__________________________Nisel Mountain
-Kijimu Splinter__________Kijimu (Red)___________________Rugio Ruins
-Kijimu Splinter__________Kijimu (Green)_________________Strum Road, Suedor Cliff, Rinom Plains
-Lamb Meat________________Wooly__________________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp
-Large Ribbon_____________Roca___________________________Witeka Scorched Plain
-Lava Crystal_____________Stone Knight___________________Fiery Volcano
-Lava Fragment____________Savaran________________________Witeka Scorched Plain, Fiery Volcano
-Little Wyvern Fang_______Rutin__________________________Land of Chaos
-Little Wyvern Wing_______Rutin__________________________Nisel Mountain, Land of Chaos
-Living Liquid____________Slime__________________________Lutaros Cavern
-Long Beak________________Pico___________________________Rakau Plains, Marbaro Forest, Rinom Plains
-Lotus Leaf_______________Brosche________________________Icule Lake, Ribisco Cave
-Lutaros Stone____________Stone Soldier__________________Lutaros Cavern
-Mint Gummy_______________Slime__________________________Lutaros Cavern
-Moss Stone_______________Corda__________________________Underground Channel, Debacky Channel
-Moving Stone_____________Guardian Statue________________Ruined Temple
-Mushroom Spore___________Night Mushroom_________________Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp